Inter-Agency Group (IAG) is a collaborative platform that works in close coordination with NGOs, CBOs, and CSRs, with the aim to focus on the entire spectrum of emergency, including preparedness, recovery and rehabilitation, thus, adopting a “Build Back Better” approach. The mandate of humanitarian response is large with critical gaps still existing in response functions which need to be addressed through capacity building, awareness and practice. For example, till now, coordination, even for disaster response, has been event specific. However, with regular coordination throughout the year, resource mapping, availability trained personnel, etc., can be mapped for each disaster-prone district. Through this platform, a mechanism of coordination will be established for coordinated humanitarian actions. It will strengthen coordination for timely, effective and inclusive response, and complimentary support to the block, district and state authorities.

Membership to the platform will be based on eligibility criteria, to ensure that the vision of timely, effective and inclusive response is maintained. Two criteria for eligibility have been identified as of yet,

  • The organization should be directly involved with the community, and/or should have technical experience in specific sectors (for e.g., in health, housing, nutrition, education, rural development, etc).
  • The organization should have some experience in disaster response.

With time, other criteria might also be added, on discussion with Working Group and Secretariat.

The list of Members shall be shared with all members annually, where they can update/verify information, so that updated information of all member organizations is available at the platform. Initially, in order to build the platform, the members shall also refer two new members (organizations/individuals) into the forum, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria. The approval of new members will be done by the Working Group and Secretariat. All members shall also give a self-declaration to provide their services without discrimination and with transparency.

IAG Gujarat shall not charge a membership fee at present. A registration of the member will be done against which an acknowledgement of membership to the organization will be issued. After functioning for a significant period (3 years or more), introduction of a membership fee can be explored.

The Working Group of IAG Gujarat will be an advisory body and provide strategic guidance to the IAG Secretariat and IAG Members, with a maximum strength of 11 to 13 members, including the IAG Chairperson, who shall be the primary representative of the agency in all national and international forums. The Working Group shall include organizations identified on the basis of certain criteria:

  • Ensuring regional representation from some of the most disaster-prone districts, – Sectoral representation- ensuring all major marginal groups, such as, Dalit, women, tribal communities, etc.,
  • Organizations addressing urban and rural disaster risks, and
  • Inclusion of different categories/types of organizations.

The Working Group Members of IAG Gujarat are:

Sl.No. Name Designation in IAG Organization
1 Alice Morris Chairperson Human Development and ResearchCentre
2 Kirit Parmar Secretariat UNNATI Organization
3 Amit Masani Member Reliance Foundation
4 Archana Shrivastava Member Sahaj, Vadodara
5 Chandrakant Kumbhani Member Ambuja Cement Foundation
6 Fr. Charles G. Member Kaira Social Service Society
7 Fr. Rajeev Member Navsarjan, Surat
8 Manish Acharya Member SETU Abhiyan
9 Mihir Bhatt Member All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
10 Rafi Malek Member Centre for Development
11 Sumitra Thakkar Member Anandi, Rajkot
12 Suresh Gami Member Indian Red Cross Society

Role of Working Group

The Working Group shall meet at least once in 3 months to discuss the strategic direction for platform, keeping in mind the overall goal of strengthening coordination among various agencies to improve disaster response and recovery. In each meeting, there shall be a quorum of at least 1/3rd majority for any major decisions to be made by the Working Group. Since the Chairperson and a representative of the Secretariat shall also be a part of the Working Group, they must approve of decisions as well.


The Secretariat for IAG Gujarat shall be the operational body of the platform, responsible for carrying out the activities of coordination along with other IAG Members. Within this body, there shall be provision for a Convener, Admin/Finance Staff, Social/Technical Outreach, at least one program staff and travel. This is for the purpose of smooth yearly operation of IAG, including critical actions taken during disaster and peace time. The Secretariat shall also represent the forum in national and international platform along with the Chairperson. UNNATI is currently the Secretariat and focal point for coordination among various relief agencies at the district and zonal levels.

24 Disaster-prone districts of Gujarat have been clustered into 11 District Coordinating Forums, based on similarity of disasters and geography. District Focal Persons have been identified for each of the 24 districts who shall represent the district in events and meetings at the state and national forums. The Focal Persons shall also be conducting regular meetings of the District Coordinating Forums, at least twice a year, especially during critical months, such as premonsoon, post-monsoon, pre-cyclone, and in case of any early warnings. In these meetings, they shall discuss the following agenda:

  • Expansion of the District Coordinating Forum to include all relevant organizations within that district,
  • Establishing a mechanism of coordination with the district and taluka governments, and the relevant departments.

The Secretariat and Chairperson will be appointed for a tenure of 5 years. Thereafter, the Secretariat and Chairperson will rotate among the members and the Working Group respectively.

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